Let's celebrate International Family day by including hands-on resources in your home! 

Family time is precious, right?  

But let's face it, rounding up everyone for some quality play isn't always easy. With different ages and interests, how do you keep everyone engaged?  

Whether it's a quiet weekday evening or the International Day of Families on May 15, playing together can be a lot of fun and incredibly rewarding. What's more playful activities support so many developmental skills to ensure that children gain so much:  

There are patterning activities, reflection activities as quiet time and physical activities too! 

So, here's how to get everyone on board and make it enjoyable for all! 

Why Family Playtime Matters 

Strengthening Bonds  

When you think about it, playing together isn't just about fun - it's about creating memories and strengthening those family ties. Shared laughter and collaboration among children can bring everyone closer, breaking down barriers and encouraging open communication. 

Boosting Development and the growth of children  

For kids, play is a critical part of the basic education journey and a powerful teaching tool where children don't even realise that they are learning.  

It helps them learn social skills, problem-solving, and even motor skills.  

But, guess what? Adults benefit too! Engaging in playful activities using amazing resources can reduce stress and improve brain function. 

Celebrating International Day of Families 

What is the International Day of Families? Mark your calendars! May 15 isn't just another day - it's the International Day of Families. It's a day recognized by the United Nations to celebrate the importance of families, whatever shape or form they come in. It's a fantastic opportunity to appreciate your own family unit. 

Activities to Celebrate the Day  

Why not plan something special this year? From a simple picnic in the park to a family game night, there are countless ways to celebrate. The key is doing something that includes everyone. 

We are strong proponents of Six Bricks as a form of play-based learning. Just 6 bricks in different colours provides amazing learning opportunities. 

Introducing Six Bricks 

What is Six Bricks?  

These are simple exercises using building blocks in bright colours for a multitude of educational games and activities. Originating from the LEGO Foundation’s initiatives, they're not only about building structures but also about unlocking potential. 

The Educational Benefits of using Six Bricks include - this hands-on tool can help improve concentration, fine motor skills, physical skills and emotional skills in children.  

They are also great for adults, promoting creativity and problem-solving skills through play. This is what makes it the perfect resource in a home - or a school - for playful learning! 

Six Bricks Activities for Family Fun 

Here are some sample activities that demonstrate what can happen in hands-on, experiential learning. They demonstrate how playful learning helps to develop critical skills as well as essential skills. 

Activity 1: Colour Coordination Challenge Grab your Six Bricks and let's start with something simple but fun. Each family member picks a colour and has to build something using only bricks of that colour. It’s a great way for younger kids to learn about colours and for older members to challenge their creative limits. For instance, they might pick the blue brick and could construct a huge tower only in blue. 

Activity 2: Memory Lane This game involves hiding various coloured bricks under cups and then giving players a sequence to remember. It’s fantastic for sharpening memory and a great challenge for all ages. It's an incredible learning experience for the whole family. It's in fact, learning in in life! 

Activity 3: Build a Story One person starts by adding a brick and beginning a story based on its colour. Each family member adds a brick and continues the tale, weaving a colourful story together. It’s a beautiful way to foster creativity and listening skills - all part of multi-sensory learning.  

Tips for a Successful Family Play Session 

Setting the Right Environment  

First, make sure your play area is comfortable and free of distractions. Create a designated space where everyone can gather and focus on the Six Bricks activities. 

Ensuring Equal Participation  

Encourage everyone in the family to actively participate in the Six Bricks activities. Ensure that each family member has their own set of bricks and is given the opportunity to contribute their ideas and creations. 

Promote Collaboration and Communication  

The Six Bricks activities provide an excellent opportunity for family members to work together and communicate effectively. Encourage collaboration by assigning tasks that require teamwork, such as building a tower using everyone's bricks. 

Encourage Creativity and Problem-Solving  

The beauty of Six Bricks lies in their simplicity and versatility. Encourage family members to think outside the box and come up with unique ways to use the bricks. This will stimulate their creativity and enhance their problem-solving skills. 

Celebrate Achievements and Learn from Failures  

No matter the outcome of the activities, it's important to celebrate everyone's efforts. Praise each family member for their individual contributions and encourage them to learn from any mistakes or challenges they faced during the play session. 

Extend the Learning Beyond Six Bricks  

While the Six Bricks activities are incredibly beneficial, don't limit creativity to just these building blocks. Encourage family members to explore other art and construction materials to further develop their skills and interests. 

Celebrating the importance of families is a wonderful way to strengthen bonds and create lasting memories. Six Bricks offers a fantastic opportunity for families to come together and engage in meaningful play activities that promote the development of core skills, collaboration, and problem-solving skills. 

By following the tips and engaging in the suggested daily activities, families can create an environment that is conducive to learning and fun. With their vibrant colours and endless possibilities, Six Bricks provide a versatile platform for imaginative play and exploration. 

Not only do these activities enhance cognitive and motor skills, but they also promote communication and teamwork which are all aspects of child development. Engaging in storytelling or building challenges encourages family members to collaborate, listen, and express their ideas and ensures full participation among children.  

It is important to ensure that everyone in the family actively participates using these hands-on resources. By assigning tasks and encouraging everyone to use their own set of bricks, you create an inclusive and engaging atmosphere that values each individual's contributions. 

Throughout the play session, it is essential to celebrate achievements and learn from failures. By acknowledging and praising each family member's efforts, you boost their self-esteem and motivation.  

Furthermore, teaching them to embrace mistakes and challenges as opportunities for growth fosters resilience and a positive mindset. 

So, isn’t it time to use Six Bricks! 

For more information see our options for Six Bricks kits clicking here.

Or contact us on info@yay4play.com