Choosing the Best Educational Resources for Your School

Choosing the Best Educational Resources for Your School

Choosing the perfect resources for your school can be a challenging task, but it doesn't have to be.   Read more to learn about practical tips and insights to help teachers...
Power of Play: The Comprehensive Guide to the Six Bricks Methodology

Power of Play: The Comprehensive Guide to the Six Bricks Methodology

Our Vision  At Yay4Play, we are committed to igniting a lifelong passion for learning through the transformative power of play and by relying on Six Bricks pedagogy.  Our mission is...
Enhancing Cognitive Development with Six Bricks Activities: A Comprehensive Guide

Enhancing Cognitive Development with Six Bricks Activities: A Comprehensive Guide

Introduction to Six Bricks Activities  Six Bricks activities represent an innovative approach to early childhood education, designed to enhance cognitive, emotional skills and motor skills through simple exercises that are...
1 in 3 Aussie Kids Cannot Read This Blog

1 in 3 Aussie Kids Cannot Read This Blog

A third of Children in Australia cannot read well. This shocking statistic in a recent report from the Grattan Institute shows how students who struggle with reading are more likely...
Unleash Creativity with Build-a-Book at Book Week 2023: A Fusion of Literature and Interactive Play!

Unleash Creativity with Build-a-Book at Book Week 2023: A Fusion of Literature and Interactive Play!



Book Week 2023: Ignite a New Chapter with Build-a-Book

Book Week 2023: Ignite a New Chapter with Build-a-Book

As Book Week 2023 approaches, let's delve deeper into the year's theme: "Read, Grow, Inspire." We will explore how these guiding words weave into the fabric of children's literary journeys...
Book Week 2023: Unleashing Creativity and Empowering Young Minds with Build-a-Book

Book Week 2023: Unleashing Creativity and Empowering Young Minds with Build-a-Book

As we step into Book Week 2023, it's the perfect time to embrace the powerful relationship between children and books. This dedicated week not only honours the world of literature...
Unleashing Creativity and Fostering Lifelong Readers with Build-a-Book

Unleashing Creativity and Fostering Lifelong Readers with Build-a-Book

Dive into the enchanting world of interactive reading with Build-a-Book, a revolutionary tool designed to turn passive listeners into active participants in every story.  Our mission is to foster a...
Be trained in Six Bricks!

Be trained in Six Bricks!

Are you looking for an innovative way to engage and teach your class? Six Bricks is a versatile learning method that is based on play and can be used to...
You have bought your Yay4Play activity kit! Now what do you do?

You have bought your Yay4Play activity kit! Now what do you do?

Watch your child develop the skills they need to spark their learning journey!

Your child is way too talented to be watching TV all day. Engage and challenge them so that they learn and have fun at the same time.

Why are our activity kits different from the usual LEGO® DUPLO® sets?

Why are our activity kits different from the usual LEGO® DUPLO® sets?

We all want to leverage the power of play to enhance children’s learning. Each type of play has an important role to fulfil in a child’s development. 

Yay4Play puts the emphasis on play-based LEARNING. We see the power that play has to build children’s sensory, speech and language, cognitive, motor, social and emotional skills. 

Four Yay4Play activities to help your child be ready for school

Four Yay4Play activities to help your child be ready for school

We all want to ensure that our child makes an easy transition into school. They need a really broad range of skills so that they cope easily in a school environment.